
Fjord & Bæltcentret

Fjord&Bælt is an exciting experience- and research centre for both children and adults, and for you who wishes to learn more about the wonderful world below the surface of the sea.

Tickle a starfish, touch a flatfish, and explore the incredible seabed. Here it is encouraged to not only see with your eyes, but touch with your fingers.

Experience the only breeding whale in Denmark: the porpoise Freja, and her two friends Eskild, and Sif. Fjord&Bælt is actually the only place in the world, where you can get so close to the little whale, and watch them get trained and fed.



Funen is called the cycling island because of the 1200 km of signposted cycle routes in the beautiful and versatile landscape. Visit the well-preserved market towns, the 123 castles and manor houses and be tempted by local food and sublime restaurants - all surrounded by a sea of 100 islands.

Odense is filled with beautiful parks, romantic gardens and recreational areas such as outdoor fitness playgrounds.

On Funen you get good ingredients, meat from happy animals, locally brewed beer and wine, characteristic cheeses and exquisite specialties that can be enjoyed on one of the culinary routes or on one of the cozy food markets.

In addition to Odense, which is Funen's largest city, you will find cozy towns such as Svendborg, Nyborg, Kerteminde, Bogense and Middelfart.