Become member og GREEN ATTRACTION
GREEN ATTRACTION is for you who want or already make a difference in terms of sustainability - and accountability.
We make it easier, cheap and inspiring to experience sustainable attractions that more and more customers are demanding.
And maybe you can save money at the same time, as the efforts focus on minimizing operating costs.
Read how to get started here.
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...about Green Tourism in Denmark
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Experience a green spot
Dæmningen 11 ,7100 South…
Økolariet has many experiences that will make you wise. Explore a world of impressions and immerse yourself in interactive experie…
Langelands Museum
Jens Winthers Vej 12 ,5900 West-…
KØN - Gender Museum Denmark
BronzeDomkirkepladsen 5 ,8000 Centra…
KØN GENDER museum will be leading dialogues about the importance of gender and create insight, engage and strengthen the will for …
Møntestræde 1 ,5000 Odense…
In the heart of Odense's historic district is Møntergården – a cultural oasis comprising lovely courtyards and beautiful buildings…
Kyst - og Fjordcentret
Voer Færgevej 123 ,8950 Centra…
Nordmarksvej 9 ,7190 Centra…
Hop aboard the LEGO®️ Canoe and prepare yourself for a roaring waterfall at the end of your trip into the wilderness, or hurl your…
Nivaagaards Malerisamling
Gammel Strandvej 2 ,2990 North…
Nivaagaards Malerisamling (the Nivaagaard Collection) by the North Sealand Oresund coast is an exquisite experience for art lovers…
Moesgaard Museum
Moesgård Allé 15 ,8270 Centra…
Presenting the past in a magnificent architectural setting
Prehistory presented innovatively in a breathtaking architectural settin…
Fjord & Bæltcentret
Margrethes Pl. 1 ,5300 Odense…
Fjord&Bælt is an exciting experience- and research centre for both children and adults, and for you who wishes to learn more a…
Utzon Center
Slotspladsen 4 ,9000 Aalbor…